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研究計畫(23) 博碩士論文(57) 期刊論文(48)
花蓮太巴塱部落的工藝社造以阿美族染料植物的使用為例(Community empowered by craft of a tribal unit of Tafalong in Hualien– an example of take the usage of the dye plants by Amis)
太魯閣族民族植物之研究以花蓮縣秀林鄉大同部落為例(A Study on the plant utilization of Taroko tribe in The Sakdang Area of the Taroko National Park.)
俄羅斯原住民知識保護:生物多樣性公約第8j條款(Russian Perspective on Article 8j of the Convention on Biological Diversity Special Concern with Traditional Knowledge Related Issues)
經由故事敘述傳遞環境哲學:以喬瑟夫.布魯夏克與亞榮隆.撒可努的原住民文學作品為例(Transmitting Environmental Philosophy through Storytelling in the Indigenous Literature of Joseph Bruchac and Ahronglong Sakinu)
丹大地區台灣長鬃山羊(Nemorhaedus swinhoei)的活動以及原住民之利用方式(The activity of Formosan serow(Nemorhaedus swinhoei) and the use by the indigenous people in Danda area)
南投縣布農族卓社群民族植物之研究-以卡度部落為例(Study on the Ethnobotany of Take-Tudu Bunun Tribe in Nantou Conuty)
布農族的小米文化生態學研究—以南投縣望鄉部落為例(The Research of Cultural Ecology of Millet of Bunon)
南投縣泰雅族賽德克亞族民族植物之研究(Study on the Ethnobotany of Seediq Atayal in Nantou.)
原住民保留地政策與問題之研究A Study of the Aboriginal Reserves Policy and Problems in Taiwan
台灣原住民與土地關係之研究A Research of the Relation between Taiwanese Aborigines and Their Locations
秀姑巒溪洄游性蝦虎魚初期生活史與資源量(Early life history and fry resources of amphidromous gobies in Hsuikuluan River)
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