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Australian Indigenous Education Foundation (AIEF) 澳洲原住民教育基金會
族群: 澳洲原住民  
主題: 獎勵補助、部落發展、技職培訓、一般教育、機關團體名錄  
地點: 全臺 全部  
澳洲原住民教育基金會(AIEF)是一個由私營部門主導的非營利組織,主要提供原住民孩童經濟支援,透過在澳洲的龍頭學校、大學和公司,獲得良好的教育及工作,建構自己的未來。基金會認為,受邊緣化的原住民孩童,應該要有接受最好教育的機會,並追求有貢獻、充滿成就的人生。所以透過AIEF獎學金計畫,基金會提供了寄宿學校與提供住宿的大學院校獎學金,另外AIEF Pathways計畫則提供密集職訓獎助金,讓學生學會開發他們的潛能,並追逐夢想。
The Australian Indigenous Education Foundation (AIEF) is a private sector led non-profit organisation focused on empowering Indigenous children in financial need to build a future through quality education and careers at Australia’s leading schools, universities and companies. AIEF believes that marginalised Indigenous children should have access to some of Australia’s best educational opportunities and pursue productive and fulfilling careers. That is why AIEF provides scholarships to boarding schools and residential university colleges through the AIEF Scholarship Program, while the AIEF Pathways Program offers intensive career support to equip students with the tools to unlock their potential and pursue their dreams.


地址:106台北巿羅斯福路四段一號 國立臺灣大學總圖書館北側廣場地面層
電話:(02)3366-3776   FAX:(02)3366-3770    
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